Monday, April 30, 2012

Anything else want to get complicated...?

8 more weeks to go and I am ready for them to go by very quickly! This whole scheduling thing between our one theory day a week, the hours we are required to put in on the clinical floor, a quality improvement project, and working outside of all of this is killing my brain. It just makes me want to not do anything once I figure out the week! Between floor hours and the class hours, I understand some of the regulations and rules they put in place but my faculty leader is taking this to the extreme! I really and truly in many of the up coming weeks could have my week in by Monday and then gain back the hours that I am missing these first two weeks but no. If my time between school and shift is even one minuet less than 8 hours it has been deemed not able to do.... Kill me now.

On other news, we have decided that a house will not be happening for us at this point in time. Everything is not coming together as smoothly for us as we need it to so we will wait a year or two. I am really bummed about this because I was hoping to have a house before we got married. It is not like we won't be living in our own space but an apartment just feels like a step backwards or a random go between till we get to where we want to be. I am hoping with all the effort I am putting in on this job search that I pass my boards on the first try and we can get a house ASAP!

Wedding news is a little better. We are going to see a place in about a week or two. It is out in Ligonier and I hope that it is as nice at the pictures and that it can be everything we want/need it to be because I want to get a date set and start planning so that we can take at least one step forward! I know that you shouldn't sign on the first place you see but getting at least on thing under control would be a plus!

This past weekend I did get to have some fun and spent sometime in Washington D.C. We had a good time. I do have to say the rough spots on the Metro did make me want to puke at times. I spent the first night loving Sangria from the Pirate Bar but the next day's breakfast was a good pick me up. I got to see the Smithsonian, but only selected galleries but they were pretty fun. We took in a DC United Soccer game and it was a lot of fun. I will say with the rain and as it got colder I was distracted by the task of looking for the hot chocolate vendor who was walking through the stands, haha!

The job front is probably the worst complication yet! HR was nice enough to set up an interview day to give us an option/a chance to get a position. They did not get enough information to give us as job applicants to allow us to make informed decisions. We did not receive any information on which units and floors were hiring so we all made decision based on what we wanted not what was available and what we wanted. So then we had decide what we would settle for if all of our first choices were off the board. I was only able to get one interview for this interview day and then when I told the HR people that I applied at three other hospitals that are not where I am at school and I also applied for a position that they told me was not available to me. I think I got the  worst " How did you find that information?" look from the lady. I know that they are trying to help but by withholding information and "forcing" us to go where they feel we should go is not the way to do this. There are some people that do need to go to a med-surg floor and I think that if I were one of those people they would have put me on a med-surg floor for preceptor. I just can not see myself being functionally happy for at least two years to fulfill a tuition remission program and not get burnt out from the insanity that comes with the floor.

When does complicated smooth out?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not so Quiet on the Western Front

So preceptor started this week. The ER will be a great place! I was so nervous last night I really thought I was going to have a revisit of what I ate for dinner. The nurses, docs and PCTs were all really nice and awesome. They made me feel really welcome in the DEM and were more than willing to give me learning opportunities to see and participate in. The team work was great and I have a feeling it is going to be a good 10 weeks.

Right now, sleep scheduling is going to be the biggest thing. I am going to be working a lot of over night shifts so I will be sleeping for a good portion of the day. With that said, I actually have no problem changing my sleep schedule, it is basically already done. The problem is going to be with the roommates. See, one of our roommates is moving out and I understand packing and moving and disassembling things that need to go but NOT AT 830AM! I was so nicely woken up by massive thuds that sounded like they were going to comes straight through the ceiling and kill me. These were not the usual work out thuds from the weights either. I was quite miserable and angry. When I said something to someone who called me around the same time I was told to chill out. Well, I would chill out if this person was as respectful to the rest of the house as we are to her. She doesn't sleep well and just in general has issues with sleep and sleep cycles. When she is sleeping or we know she will be sleeping, no one does anything that could be loud or disruptive. This includes vacuuming, cleaning certain rooms, and basically anything that would indicate that there is life in the house. I have say that this is not the first time I have been woken up by this at all. This is also the same person that will snipe the bathroom from you ( or just knock and then barge right in without even making sure it is okay) when you are trying to get to class or go to work because she is going to bed after coming home from work. I think it is safe to say that I am either ready for me to leave or for her to leave. I am really coming to my wits end with all of this because it is almost like " You can't do anything its this person and they are just that way and they don't understand." Well I can tell you what I don't understand, why can she break all the boundries and respect rules about living with others but the rest of us have to tip toe? It isn't just the noise either. The amount of dishes that were left in the sink for about a week was ridiculous. Why were they in the sink for a week.... because this person went out of state and left the for me to do and quite frankly I wasn't cleaning up after this person again.

Moral of the story: There is a time when roommates are an idea of the past and they need to stay there.

Friday, April 20, 2012

One more day!! I have to believe that I can last one more closing shift or else I will probably tell the customers to make their own coffee and leave them standing there. I will admit that really is not a good plan because after graduation I have at least 5 weeks until I will be able to work with my GN license. This bomb was just dropped on me on Monday...What great timing! Looking to buy a house, planning a wedding, and trying to change a career path is probably a bomb waiting to go off.

So, tonight I ended up training the new person that will be taking the place of the other girl who left before me. Apparently, the training is going swimmingly according to my boss. She had the genius idea of having our weakest employee train the new kid so that weak link would learn what she did not know. My question in this whole thing is, how do you expect to have a competent employee by training this way? Well, that fell through on the very first day that it happened. My boss ended up micromanaging the training sooo much that I spent five and a half hours waiting on customers and rushes on a Saturday night myself. After all the closing was done, she decided to make an example out of the close and started messing with the beverage case and trying to bake last minuet. Needless to say we ended up cleaning up her mess of broken juice bottles. We did not get out of the store until close to 11 o'clock. It was horrible. I found out tonight that the training had not been going well at all! The kid shakes like a leaf anytime there is a line. At one point he apologized for using the direction cards to make drinks. I didn't understand so I told him there is no need to apologize, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. This is when I found out that anytime he is moving too slow for her or not doing it the way that she wants snatching (this is the word he actually used) the cups, ingredients, and cards out of his hands.  He was afraid that I was going to do the same thing to him! I was so appalled!  To calm him down I had to tell him " I will never snatch anything out of your hand because one it is rude, two it is obnoxious, and three you will never learn anything if I am ripping it out of your hands all the time." After that he calmed down and was okay with me helping with drinks when there was a line. He should not be that shaken coming into work.

In better more happy news, we may have found somewhere for the wedding. We have made contact with them and told them the day that we like. We are going to try and make an appointment to go and tour the place and the grounds early next month. Along with that, we looked up the closed hotel. Since the wedding with not be in Pittsburgh, we will need to block rooms for most of our family and friends, especially my family. If we go with this place, everything is included with an on site organizer. Since I know he wants dancing for sure, we will be limited to 250 people, which is plenty big enough for me. We may reach that number very quickly because it has to be a kid friendly reception.  So far the price points on the menu and brochure seem pretty good compared to some of the ones I know I will find here in the city. Apparently he is really excited to see this place because he has been to some events at a different area of the venue and it is near a lot of things he grew up by. I am just as excited to see it because it is a big first step but it will make 2 things (venue and date) disappear from my wedding to do list!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

One end is near

I am going to admit this now, I am horrible with keeping up with this blog writing thing. I hope that those of you who are reading this will keep returning and find a little bit of either joy, entertainment or both for that matter. I am also open to comments. Feed back is good.

So the latest and the greatest (and not so greatest)! One more week with two jobs! Next Saturday will hopefully be the last Saturday that I serve coffee in a coffee shop for the rest of my life! I say hopefully because the last time I swore I would never go back and look what good that did for me. I have to say that my boss is trying her hardest to get me to stay there through preceptor but I do not think she likes the continual answer of no. The explanation of" my school schedule will not be fair to you" is starting to wear thin in the delivery and I am getting closer to screaming "You're driving me insane and I don't want to stay in the insanity!" I have 3 days to get through and then maybe I will have some free time!

The other job.... How much longer I can put up with it will be a test of mental strength, will and determination. Dealing with the store associates is hard enough. Now the store manager is starting to take her own little digs and gripes. I thought that things were going to stop getting worse when someone stole my clothing fixture out of the wall while it was in use. Nope. Now the store manager has taken it upon herself to tell the soft lines manager (a person who has absolutely no authority and has made no efforts to show any sort of cooperation or respect for me, my company, or my product) that I am lazy. How exactly am I lazy if I: cleaned up all my go backs, combed through ALL of my racks to PROPERLY put away all my product from when I was not there, cleared the floor, moved my floor around, refreshed face-outs, and managed to check for shipment that needed to go out (there was none) before your people have touched a fitting room let alone walked through the area (not that they do)? I use the same merchandising method infront of my managers (from my company) when they are in for store visits and they are actually quite impressed by the speed and accuracy at which I clean my product area. I was reprimanded for having coffee... I know, from my company head honchos that I'm allowed to have a beverage on the floor. I don't know what their deal is here at this store but targeting people and spreading falsities about them is wrong. I hate to say it but I have complained to my companies upper management but when I did, I had proof. There were no false accusations. They have the photos that back up every statement and a written time line. I hate to say is department store company but you are trying to mess with the wrong person. I know you think I am some 16 year old with my first "real" paying job, well you need to think again!

In good news... We got our assignments for preceptor. My request for the ER was accepted!! I will be spending 10 weeks in a level I trauma ER and I am sooo excited. It is a little scary because I was not given a rotation there this year, I had a little break but I still love the environment. I am hoping for lots of interesting cases and some smooth sailing! I will get my preceptor, the nurse or murse that will be mentoring me for the next 10 week, this week. I will be able to plan my life a little further into the future. Now I have no choice but to pass this term! I have the final left and I took the last unit exam today. I won't know the results until either 11pm tonight or until tomorrow. I looked up everything I could so I am hoping I missed minimal questions so that I can be in a good place for the final. To start panicking in the last three days of a term is horrible and I would prefer not to do it.

House hunting is going more smoothly and less smoothly. We have decided on a school district and we have a short list of houses that we want to look at. I am hoping to move in either June or July. That way,  won't be too far out from a solid paycheck (pending that interview day goes well) and I will have time to do some home shopping and setting up. From there we are going to have to figure out what we want to do for the wedding. By then we will have a year to plan. I know it will be crazy with just moving into a new place but I think that we can do it safely, especially with me getting a better job! We still have not decided on where we want to get married. All I know is that I like July and that is it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter.. I guess. It seems like every holiday something not so great has to happen. I was smart and avoided going to a family function after being at work for part of the day. It has been discovered that going to any sort of big family event (at least for me) after working is a very dangerous idea. This year, I played it safe and we made our own Easter meal. I must say marinated steaks, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, bruschetta and devil's food cupcakes was quite the feast!

Today's great discovery is, buying a house might not be so fun. We decided to do the search by school district. By this I mean that we are searching good public school districts because he is not a fan of the Pittsburgh Public School district, which I can understand. Boy was I wrong to think that ANY school district outside of the PPS lines would do. We asked for some opinions from his friends, via a Facebook post, and got back ehh results. Shaler, Fox Chapel, Gateway, Mt. Lebo were the ones that were suggested. Then Shaler was thrown out the window due to massive amounts of drugs... I didn't know that. One of his friend's is looking for schools to send her kids to soon and apparently she has become the go to for the 411 on the schools of Pittsburgh. With the suggestion on Chartiers Valley, we start our search and I can't say that we are any closer nor am I very happy with how this is going. I turned down the idea of looking out of county because even thought the taxes are cheaper, let's face it, no one really wants to drive an extra 45 min in rush hour traffic to get to work and back. There are not many hospitals out that way and if I do this tuition forgiveness thing then that is what my drive will be, road rage beginning at 430am about 4 days a week. Fox Chapel is expensive. Apparently, the only houses that we will find there would be on the outskirts of the district, so why do I keep looking there? Why do I keep looking at the same places even though they "won't work"? They are too expensive, the taxes are too high, they are far away from the hospitals... Today is the first time that I am hearing about half of this list. Trying to remedy this was probably the stupidest thing I could have tried because not only did my attempt fail miserably but I did not even understand the complaint (still don't.)

So, how do you find a good school district with: 1) low taxes, 2) safe neighborhoods, 3) close to the hospitals, 4) not expensive, and 5) not going to cost me my sanity? Well, if I knew the answer I do not think I would be typing this right now, would I?

I feel like there is no way for me to get an answer to these questions because looking at the information/ranking websites for the school really tells you jack shit unless you are a certified statistician with a Phd in numbers that regular people prefer not to have to look at. The information we got from the post, opinions, doesn't seem to help at all. It is bias to the people who told us but if half the things that were already suggested have been axed by one person, how in the hell is it supposed to be an option?

I caved about 20 minuets before typing this and started looking at houses in the Ligonier Valley school district because I just feel like there will be no avoiding looking out of county after today.

Two more weeks left in this term and I just want to be done. Two more weeks at one of my jobs as well and I can tell you after the rude people we had today, I can not wait to be done. It is Easter Sunday people!! Go eat a freaking ham with your family or sit at home because it is a HOLIDAY! I know that it has not been that long since holidays were spent with family eating dinner or at your home because either nothing was open or your family did not go anywhere besides to church or other family members' houses.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The end is near.... Well, kind of...

Two weeks left of regular classes.... I am not so sure that I can handle it! The end of this is just soo close with one online test and the final left to take before 10 weeks of preceptor. I just have to make sure I don't screw it up!

The closer it comes to graduation the close the rest of my life comes back to me!!! Right now, moving is on my mind! I can not wait until I can take a shower and not have someone knock on the door saying, " I need to brush my teeth (because I'm going to bed while you're getting ready for school)," " I left my water bottle in the bathroom, can I come in and get it?" even though there are like 50 million in the kitchen. I miss having the shower to myself and having the bathroom on time. I think it may have happened a now record 4 times in the past 8 weeks. I think that we are overdue for our own space whether it is buying or renting it.

Speaking of the house hunt, it is on hold until we hear from the loan man. It has been a week so, I guess we will just wait and see. I figure that if we haven't heard from him by now that we probably won't hear anything until after the Easter holiday.

Wedding plans are still just kind of the look around kind of plans. Nothing crazy but I have some ideas on the random little things that I would like to do.

Oh will I be spending you this year.... Why that would be making coffee and then coming home to make dinner. I am not really feeling the whole big family holiday dinner. I know what most of you are thinking ("Why, that is horrible! You should want to spend the holiday with your family!") but after accepting a work shift I definitely will be avoiding a big group dinner. There is no need for a repeat of the last holiday airing of my crimes.

The span between Christmas eve and Easter has actually been pretty refreshing. I was just pretty removed from everything that was causing unnecessary pressure and ill will. The break has just let me walk away from all of it and not have to deal with it. I know that not dealing with a problem is not the way to solve it but it has been the best solution by far. This theory of mine may show great problems when it comes time to plan the wedding and all that stuff that is coming up but, like I said, I am not too worried about it at the present time.