Monday, March 26, 2012

So, today starts the last 4 weeks of nursing classes leading up to preceptor and graduation. So far , so good but with the end being so close it is making me crazy! There is so much prep and planning to do with class work, clinical it is exhausting. Getting ready to apply to jobs and interview is more then enough to make your head explode. With nursing school coming to an end, I am getting the rest of my life back, well for the most part....

Catch up:
So in December I got the amazing surprise of an engagement ring! I am really excited for school to be over so that I can start planning and get everything done! Well, almost everything. There are somethings that will make the planning a little rough. I want to find a venue and pick a date as soon as possible, so that we can get what we want, but there are some travel issues that may end up dictating how the planning goes. I have to say I am fine with that but I just feel like having to wait and see will push things back and that we may have to settle for things that we don't want. I have been looking at things for ideas to see what I want to do. I will see what happens.

Moving is the biggest thing on the table right now. We have been ready to move for about a year now so hopefully this will happen. I want to plan on moving after graduation. I want to wait until then because I will know where I am working and I will have a steady full time job, something I haven't had in about 3 years.... Knowing all of that will make moving and finding what we want a little easier.

I also want to get out of here because I feel like I am going insane! There are 4 people plus a new puppy and significant others in and out all the time. There is just so much going on that it seems like there is no place to go. Right now I am currently hearing weights crash on the attic floor and jumping around because of a workout. This happens while I am trying to sleep, study, relax. Basically it happens all the time. We have two rooms that are ours and one is an office for one person that is not me. We need our own space.

Nursing school: 4 more weeks of class (as previously stated) and then 10 weeks of preceptor. Right now I just have to pass Critical Care to move on. In the mean time, I am hoping and wishing that I get a placement that I will enjoy for ten weeks. I can more than safely say that a psych nursing placement would make my life 10 weeks of unbearable horror. I am hoping that I get a position either in the ICU or the ER. All the input I have been allowed to have to sway their judgement (or as one instructor told us, "Sell yourself") has been turned in. Here is to hoping that it is enough to keep me happy, sane, and to getting a possible foot in the door!

Here is to surviving the ride and inevitable insanity that is about to ensue!

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