The end is officially a week away! Seven days from now I will have a cap, pin, diploma, and freedom (SWEET SWEET freedom!) The cap, pin, and ceremony I can do without but oh well. Today was mandatory graduation mass. I can safely say that church still makes me sweat and want to get up and flee the premises. I understand that I went to a catholic school but they push the religion thing way too far. I actually had the girl sitting next to me offended because I did not want a hymnal because I did not want to sing. Who are you to judge me, in the chapel of a catholic hospital none the less? I was sitting with two people from my original class and the three of us felt the same way, like outsiders. No matter how we may have tired, or not tried, we never really belonged to this class. We were just there to get this over with and finish what we started. Two of our other class members seem to have completely assimilated and fit in with this new class. That was good for them but we had to go to a brunch after mass and it was just odd. It felt like I walked in and sat down in the middle of a celebration for a group of people I did not even know. I did not participate in the superlatives because I did not know any names or any of the people who were in the room with me. This whole experience has been an odd roller coaster that I am more than happy to be off of. The fiance is also ready for this to be over. The lack of sleep, frustration, moods that can turn on a dime, long days, and the insanity that comes from having a part time job that does not even cut it will be finished and he can not wait.
As of now, there are plans to go out after graduation. I did not want to invite my parents but he seems to think that world war 5 will happen if they are not informed of the nights activities. I really do not want to celebrate with a bunch of people. I was just figuring that if people were going to be out or the two of us could just go out but he has decided that he wants this thing. If it is going to be like that, I only want people there who were supportive and understand what I have gone through and are proud of me for what I have done. None of the rest need to attend, which would be certain family members. I am actually half expecting for my grandparents to show up to this shindig uninvited because my mother has given them the information against all wished except for her own.
So I learned something interesting today and it made me quite upset. One of my friends, who happens to be one of my bridesmaids, is seeing a guy that plays soccer with our group of friends. A few weeks ago, my roommate's Girlfriend started talking about girls she had to set up with the guys of our group and then guys that she had for the girls. She made a comment about how someone needed to talk to my friend about who she was dating. As I was cooking I just listen to the conversation. The Girlfriend decided that my friend needs to start dating a specific person in the group. No offense to this guy but until he does something about a few things many girls will not date him. He is a nice funny guy but he needs to take care of himself and start to be responsible. All of a sudden the conversation turns to how they hate the guy she is seeing and want to get between them and have her with someone else just because they do not like him. I was really angry at this point in time. Then the Girlfriend says to me "You need to get on it talking to your friend about dating this person and not THAT person." I almost lost it on her. I replied " My friend is a big girl and can date whoever she wants. Besides, the people you are listing are not her type of guy from what I know so why don't you let her make her own choices." The reply of because we don't want this guy to be around all the time was not good enough for me. I told them that I would not talk to her about it and it is her business who she dates, not theirs. Tonight, my friend and I went out to dinner before she leaves for Germany and we were talking about moving and I asked how soccer was on Tuesday. She said that the Girlfriend had been in rare form and made the night really uncomfortable and akward for her. I wasn't sure what all she knew so I told her what had been happening at the house between the roommate and her (the fights not the dinner convo) and she said that wasn't it. She told me that the Girlfriend came up to her and asked her if she was still seeing this guy and my friend said yes. The Girlfriend then tells her, " Don't worry, I have some boys lined up so that we can fix this." My friend was taken aback and said she did not know what to think because the Girlfriend isn't even her friend. I was livid. I told my friend that I was sorry that happened and filled her in on the dinner conversation that happened. I told her that I informed them that they needed to leave her alone and let her do what she wants to do. She was appreciative but obviously someone did not want to listen. She really did not know what to think of this. I told my friend that she needs to tell the Girlfriend so shut up and mind her own business. I also told her that they have done this to other people and to not let them meddle. They have been the cause of some of the waves that happened early in my own relationship and once my fiance put his foot down, things got better. I told her to date who she wants and I would support her as long as she was happy and safe. I also told her that if she needed back up against the Girlfriend that I would do so because that was out of line. I am not really sure why this matters to the Girlfriend anyway because she is leaving in a few weeks for 10 months to go and teach some where. She should work on her own life before trying to fix someone else life who isn't even her friend...
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