I am officially an employed RN! I went through the painstakingly tedious orientation that dealt with the benefits and history of the company. It is the second time that I have experienced this particular part of orientation but we must do what we need to do. After that it was a week of classroom work and presentations to learn the policies and procedures of the specific hospital that I am working at. This is not so bad but it is just as tough to sit through 8 hour days now as it was for nursing school classes. The big difference is that I was getting paid to do one and not the other. Friday was my first day on the unit. It was really a day to learn where everything is located and to get the feel of how things flow. I can safely say that my unit will not be boring! My preceptor so far is pretty awesome. She laid out the plan to get me up to speed with being on the floor and I am agreeable to it. I am actually really happy with who they placed me with because she seems to be pretty open about how everything is going to go and she seems to be someone who will be a constructive teacher. I still really wish that I would be in the critical care units or in the emergency department but this will be a good place to get in and get my feet wet. Many people have told me that the floor that I am starting on will be a good stepping stone to either place later on. So I think that I will have to make a plan and see where I want to go in the next year or two. I know that I want to start back to school after about a year off and just working. This way, I will have at least half of the tuition forgiveness taken care of and a year of experience that is uninterrupted and concentrated under my belt. As for school, it will be a choice between RN to BSN or RN to MSN. Both programs will take about the same time but one will take me to just a bachelor's and the other will take me to master's (rolling my bachelor's degree in along the way). I guess when the time comes it just depends on how many degrees I want to have. I figure that I might as well go with the RN to MSN because I will end up with more at the end of the same time period.
This Saturday marked a BIG milestone for me, despite how small it seems to everyone else. I am FINALLY working only one job for an extended period of time (and possibly for the rest of time!). I am not long on the management team at White House Black Market and it feels good to not have to go into work on my day off. The stress of dealing with a person being promoted to a position that she can't handle and everything that was being piled on top of that is great to be free from! I know that another person of the management team is also leaving. She found a position that will make her much happier and give her a better schedule in life. I am really proud of her because I know that she was really unhappy with where she was in the company and how she was being treated. Our district manager even admitted that she did not have a "fair shake" with the company. I know that the store manager is not happy with they way things are going. She is in panic mode right now. Half of her management team has jumped ship in two weeks and right now there is a HUGE possibility that the other sales lead will be leaving as well. I am hoping that she gets through her interview and gets to interview with the district manager. She is being passed over for a promotion to assistant store manager. She has been told that she needs to post an add on craig's list for a new ASM. I know she is angry and I would be too. I think that a new job with a new company would be good for her. She needs to go somewhere that the company is not against them just because of the store they are working in. I started to see this when I first started working there. I had been promoted for about a week or two and I felt very pushed to the side and always berated even for my best efforts. Making numbers and big accomplishments were never a reason to celebrate because they were not as great as if another store had done the same thing. We never got credit for doing amazing things that never happened in our store.
Tomorrow will be me second day on the floor as long as we don't have class. As far as we know, our whole orientation class, is under the impression that we will be on the floor on tomorrow so that is where I will show up. I do have to talk to our unit manager about some schedule conflicts for the classes that I am scheduled for this month.
There is stress but it is a different kind of stress.
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