Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can there be a break soon?

I can safely say that it has been quite a few weeks since I have had a spare second to do anything that was not work related. After being at WHBM for a few weeks, I accepted a promotion as a part time member of the management team. Although the position is part time I am working closer to full time hours. Don't get me wrong, the reward is better than not working or working at Scrubology but I just don't feel like there is enough time to get anything done! I was finally able to get to the gym for the second time in 2 weeks. That is not like me at all. I am usually there about two or three times a week and switch it off with running the other days. I have been closing the store down a lot so that does not leave a lot of time after work to go for a run. Plus, I am really not a twilight runner. It kind of creeps me out. I know that as long as I am doing something that is better than nothing but I still need to find a way to challenge myself with the workouts or else I won't be getting much out of them.

Work is going well. We are having a bit of a rough segment right now. There are some changes going on with in the store that are causing some upheaval (not bad like an uprising but enough to cause some issues) and it is having an effect on the store. Some of our people are getting discouraged more easily than others and it is showing on their faces and in their work. It is getting a little harder each time to try and not only pull them out  the funk but to bring everything out of the funk is getting harder to do as well. Hopefully, this transition will become easier despite it being rough.

I took my boards and I passed! I was soo excited when that license popped up in the state website the next morning! I no longer have to worry about if I will pass or not and how that will affect everything else in my life. I think the fact that I am at a job that will pay the bills and keep me in a good place (and look good on my resume) kept a lot of the pressure off of me when I went in to take the exam. I think that if I had been using my TPP (a waste of $35 since I never used it) I would have been a lot more on edge and anxious than I was. I also took the test in Morgantown. I know what most people are thinking, "Why would taking the test in another state and a city you don't live in help you..?"  It just so happens that the Morgantown testing site had an appointment with in the time frame I was looking to take the test. If I would have settled for a date in Pittsburgh I would still be waiting to take the exam (and probably ripping my hair out). I also was more familiar with the area in Morgantown. After doing my undergrad there I knew exactly where the testing site was and how to get there. It couldn't have been better! We stayed in the same hotel we stayed in a few years ago for a friend's wedding. It was still a very nice and affordable place. I was able to get a good night sleep and feel confident about getting to my test on time. I was very happy with how the day went.

The wedding plans that are going very swimmingly right now! I made a great move and a huge mistake at the same time. I saw a dress through the window of the BCBG store near my store. From outside it looked like it was just an all white strapless dress. I figured I would go in one day and check it out and possibly try it on. I went in the other day after work and it turns out that the dress has a black little sash around it but other than that it was a simple strapless chiffon gown. It is beautiful and simple, just what I am looking for! I tried it on and it fit almost perfectly. I feel like the top may have been a little tight but they said that it would stretch as I wore it. Also the hem was a little long.  One of my bridesmaids has agreed to go to the only dress shop that seems to have the other dress I have my eye on to physically see it and try it on and then head to BCBG to see the dress there. I would really just buy the dress at BCBG but I don't want to be thinking, what if I would have had the chance to try on the other dress?? I have been looking at this dress for months on the J.Crew site and I really just feel like I need to see it and try it on before I go and buy another dress. I know that sounds silly but it is true. I don't need "dress what if" while planning a wedding!

Hopefully this will all pan out the way that it is supposed to. I just hope that everything continues to go smoothly and that the kinks get worked out accordingly.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

So, if I am here, When am I getting there...?

Things are moving. Some seem to be going at the never ending sail pace of life and other are flying by that I barely realize that they actually happened! I feel like we have been in our new place for more than just a month! It seems like that but in a good way. We are all settled in but we are still finding that we need some little things.

Lately, I have been trying to be more social than normal and I kind of like it. I hate to say it but I can be quite the homebody. I really do love nothing more than to curl up with a book or to go outside with book and just get lost. One of my friend's sister (well she is my friend as well) is moving down south to go to grad school. Even though I was unable to go out to the club with them, it was really nice to just hang out with some really fun people that I have not been able to see in a while. We have also been to the movies in the park. We saw The Muppets last Sunday and this Sunday, I for sure, and going to have the viewing pleasure of The Temple of Doom. Movies in the park just happen to be a free event that I forgot to take advantage of this summer. I will need to remember this for next summer for my weekends off.

The wedding planning is still up to par but we need to get on the planning train again before we get behind. The Save The Dates are in the process of being printed so they will be sent out in a month or two. We are trying to get the DJ booked with in the next week or two so that all of our big vendors are off the list of things to do. I have not made a decision on what I want to do about flowers. We are not using them for center pieces but I know that we will probably need then for the bouquets and the guys but other than that I will NOT be getting any corsages or flowers for mothers, grandmothers, ect. There is not need to add that uselessness into our budget.

On the job front, I am working retail again. So far it is working out and I have a fall back in case this whole nursing thing does not pan out in real life time. For the nursing front, so far mostly only rejections. I did have an interview this past week but I am not really going to get my hopes up to high. By the end, I felt like it went really well but I also thought that my other three interviews went well and I ended up not getting the job(s). Hopefully I will get something soon. I will not be counting my chickens until they have hatched!

Also on the nursing front....The boards. They will be coming up in a little over a week! YIKES!! Right now, I just have to make sure I keep preparing for them and keep my spirits up. As long as I keep doing these prep questions I think I will be okay. I am actually going out of town to take the test. Where I am going it not that far but it was the only testing center that came up with a date closer than September! What is really funny is that the testing center is in Morgantown, where I went to University, and it just so happens that I know where the testing center is and could find it more easily than any other testing centers here (Where I LIVE)!! So I decided that it would be worth it take the adventure back to my old home and take my boards there. I did well on all my finals so why not my boards as well! I think I may need some Boston Beanery after my exam... or maybe some Black Bear Burrito....