Monday, April 30, 2012

Anything else want to get complicated...?

8 more weeks to go and I am ready for them to go by very quickly! This whole scheduling thing between our one theory day a week, the hours we are required to put in on the clinical floor, a quality improvement project, and working outside of all of this is killing my brain. It just makes me want to not do anything once I figure out the week! Between floor hours and the class hours, I understand some of the regulations and rules they put in place but my faculty leader is taking this to the extreme! I really and truly in many of the up coming weeks could have my week in by Monday and then gain back the hours that I am missing these first two weeks but no. If my time between school and shift is even one minuet less than 8 hours it has been deemed not able to do.... Kill me now.

On other news, we have decided that a house will not be happening for us at this point in time. Everything is not coming together as smoothly for us as we need it to so we will wait a year or two. I am really bummed about this because I was hoping to have a house before we got married. It is not like we won't be living in our own space but an apartment just feels like a step backwards or a random go between till we get to where we want to be. I am hoping with all the effort I am putting in on this job search that I pass my boards on the first try and we can get a house ASAP!

Wedding news is a little better. We are going to see a place in about a week or two. It is out in Ligonier and I hope that it is as nice at the pictures and that it can be everything we want/need it to be because I want to get a date set and start planning so that we can take at least one step forward! I know that you shouldn't sign on the first place you see but getting at least on thing under control would be a plus!

This past weekend I did get to have some fun and spent sometime in Washington D.C. We had a good time. I do have to say the rough spots on the Metro did make me want to puke at times. I spent the first night loving Sangria from the Pirate Bar but the next day's breakfast was a good pick me up. I got to see the Smithsonian, but only selected galleries but they were pretty fun. We took in a DC United Soccer game and it was a lot of fun. I will say with the rain and as it got colder I was distracted by the task of looking for the hot chocolate vendor who was walking through the stands, haha!

The job front is probably the worst complication yet! HR was nice enough to set up an interview day to give us an option/a chance to get a position. They did not get enough information to give us as job applicants to allow us to make informed decisions. We did not receive any information on which units and floors were hiring so we all made decision based on what we wanted not what was available and what we wanted. So then we had decide what we would settle for if all of our first choices were off the board. I was only able to get one interview for this interview day and then when I told the HR people that I applied at three other hospitals that are not where I am at school and I also applied for a position that they told me was not available to me. I think I got the  worst " How did you find that information?" look from the lady. I know that they are trying to help but by withholding information and "forcing" us to go where they feel we should go is not the way to do this. There are some people that do need to go to a med-surg floor and I think that if I were one of those people they would have put me on a med-surg floor for preceptor. I just can not see myself being functionally happy for at least two years to fulfill a tuition remission program and not get burnt out from the insanity that comes with the floor.

When does complicated smooth out?

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